воскресенье, 10 февраля 2013 г.

аваст для виндовса 7

Windows 7 still wants you to buy anti-virus software from their limited list of choices. They have on the list, so it isn’t totally hopeless. Ever the non-conformist, I loaded the free-for-personal-use which works on Vista. You don’t have to be a slave to Microsoft’s advertising partners because Avast installed and ran just fine:

So, even if you feel that you must sell your soul to Redmond with Windows, you don’t have to be buried under the bloatware of MS Office 2007.

After loading , , and , I verified that they loaded and worked correctly:

I covered the workings of the UAC in , and covered what I considered a major hole which was . Microsoft says that they fixed it to some extent, but I don’t have time to check it at the moment, but it still doesn’t require the user to enter a password to make changes. The UAC setting dialog didn’t change much, and the default setting remains the same:

Next, I loaded up Silverlight and some Open Source software which are included in ‘s distribution. During that process, I encountered the dialogs:

This build finally comes with the Internet Explorer 8:

I pulled down the Category list box in the upper right of the panel to show the new way of changing the Control Panel’s display format. It’s much cleaner and handier than the previous beta’s.

The Control Panel has been redesigned in a way that makes much more sense than previous versions:

The 7057 build sports a new set of awesome wallpapers that can rotate within a group. After setting up a few gadgets, making the icons small, and choosing the Landscapes wallpaper set, I had a pretty nice desktop:

A few useful gadgets still inhabit the new build:

This installation weighed in at only 7.3 GB of hard disk space vice . Initial memory use pegged at 452 MB against the original’s 390 MB. Hmmm, going in the wrong direction on that one. Compare these numbers against Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10′s mere 2.9 GB of disk space with a full office suite and multimedia editing, and a RAM load of just 149 MB on installation. Windows 7 still looks like the usual bloatware in comparison.

Oops. Looks like a glitch. Notepad came up on the first loading with these lines in it. Nothing to do, really, so I just closed it. However, it comes up again on every restart. The VMWare Tools geared for Vista seem to work fine in Windows 7 after installing them.

Then we finally get to sign in and see the new login screen:

Another reset and a light shines in the darkness:

I let several leaks go by, but finally downloaded 7057 in 32-bit flavor. I installed it in a virtual machine. As before, VMWorkstation tagged the Windows 7 DVD image as Vista and set up the defaults accordingly. The install involved several resets and looked pretty familiar. The installation routine restarted the VM once to get to this point:

There have been a number of Windows 7 beta builds leaked to the Net. You can find ideas on how to locate them on amongst other places. Google is your friend.

Windows 7 Beta Build 7057

Posted by: reformedmusings | March 16, 2009

Thoughts about Reformed Theology issues, Linux computing, and whatever else is on my mind 

Windows 7 Beta Build 7057 « Reformed Musings

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